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Monday, June 30


That's right. I was at band camp ALL WEEK! It was so fun. Especially from Wednesday to Saturday (when I left). There was this guy there. He was ( I can say this, because I never, IN MY LIFE, say a hot guy before), he was cute.

And, he's coming back next year.
Oh, and, I'm writing a book with Sarah (girl from camp) not that I think of it. So, get ready for 2009's best seller!

Ugh, it is so boring now at my house.

Oh, and I finished a new FIRST.

There was a hornet at my house yesterday. When I was on the computer, it flew a centimeter from my hand! I jumped a bit, as Razz tried to bite it. He bit it, and got stung. He spat it out. *dumb dog* Luckily the hornet still had its stinger.

Then I was typing on the computer, and I lowered my arm, and guess what stung me right under my arm??

First time I ever got stung. No crap whatsoever.

Anyway, not much else. So, BYE.

Friday, June 20

This Trip

Boy, this trip has been heaven and Hell for me. I don't know exactly who really cares about that now, though, since I've been talking about it for a long while.

On Wednesday, we went to the 9th ward.

The 9th Ward was the zone of New Orleans most affected Physicaly. Many Houses were blown away completly. Many were still fixable, but many more were beyond compare. Many people in New Orleans in General went to the Superbowl for protection, mostly because they said they would be fed and taken care of there. But, what happened was, there wasn't enough food, many parts flooded, parts of the roof even broke off, resulting in death of either starvation, disease, or drowning.

When we went to the houses, we saw what looked to be like gravel. But, instead, it was seashells. Imagine, coming home after a hurricane (if you even came home, which many people still haven't) and finding SEASHELLS, miles away from the beach, in your front yard. :*(

When we went into one house, we found a big gaping hole in the floorboard. There were no walls, only wood framing and few pipes. We went into the garage and saw a bed, A BED, against the wall, facing a TV. I was scared to find a skull somewhere or a corpse. It would have fit in the scene well. :*(

I went down to pick up a frame, and a boy (Unanimous) stepped on it. "What the hell as that for, *****?" Miriam sid," This isn't our stuff" He replied "Well, no one lives here anyway. What does it matter" As he kicks a christmas tree (made from fine china) against the wall about 5 feet away, nearly shattering it.
Out of all of that rubble, I look down, and I'm shocked beyond compare (no shit whatsoever). I pick up a plastic rose, off of the stem, and red. It was like in a Movie. It made my heart feel warm, my eyes water, and my heart feel so open, so broken, and my soul feel present.

Well, I feel really scared because of something that I was today. So, I'm going to have to stop this post for now so that I can think this situation through. So, til I come back to the city, byes.

Tuesday, June 17

the heat is KILLING ME

you should be here, so that I'm not the only one who's suffering the heat!! It's quite a change. It feels like 100 sometimes, even 110. (then again, compared to Minnesota's current weather, lol!)

But, oh, I found 15$ on the ground when walking around the levees yesterday, so, now, I GOT MONEY!!!


So, yeah, it's hot down here. I just wish you could see it. :)

Monday, June 16

Guess where I am!!!!!

hehehe. I can't believe I'm here!!

hehe, it's such an educational experience. It's really emotional coming down here for the missionary work we're doing. Also, we went into the FRENCH QUARTERS yesterday. The architecture was so awesome!! Real oil lamps in the housing AND stores, the Beautiful Landscaping, and the PEOPLE!! there were street performers like nothing I've seen before. It was so unreal, and yet, so real in itself!

Ugh, I just wish you were all here with me to experience such a thrill, such a shock, and yet, such emotion.

well, once I get back, I've got a lot of pictures!!!!! so, seeya til then!

Sunday, June 1



I'm so glad you guys could read this all of the way to 50.

since this is a very important post, I'm blogfging a very serious illness, Anorexia.

There's someone I know who feels fat but isn't. I've promised to stay out of her issues (though I wish I didn't). So, instead of doing that, I guess I could write about it.

Anorexia is where you think you are fat, so you throw up your food to make yourself skinnier. You feel you need to throw up ANY meal you ate and feel like you're losing weight.

The seriousness of this is like Belemia, where you eat, but you make yourself throw up and, due to throwing up a lot, your stomach gets wheasy and you throw up more.

Side affects are
-If they have lost 25% of their normal body weight.
-they have missed 3 consecutive periods (for girls)
-they never eat in public (or don't want to)
-they constantly say they're fat
-They have been depressed lately.
-they have suffered a loss (family, relationship, etc.)
-they are 90-95 lbs on an average weight frame (that is, if it's not their recommended weight)
(small note, average Anorexic/bulimic is 16 years old)

Anyway,if you know anyone like that, ask them to look this up at
thank you, and congratulations on making it to my 50th post!

If u know someone who might be anorexic, take note of it. Maybe they're just not hungry around lunchtime or something. But, If you start to see the side affects listed above, you might want to talk to them.

Remember, if they don't want you to help, that's you're decision to either go against them for help, or with them for friendship.

But, if you go against them, I've found the Minnesota hotline at