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Sunday, February 24

uh, blaugle=blah

blaugle... blaugle, blaugle, blaugle, blaugle, blaugle, blaugle..... hehehe!!!!!!!!!!!!!

... oh, sorry, i'm really being bored.

so, how's everyone for the history project?

i know i'm not prepared at ALL! lol

so, go Blaugle yourself and have fun working for the History project!!!!!

Goodbye... blaugle

Friday, February 22

What did you learn at school today?

omg, did you know that if you type "NYC" in webdings and wingdings you get some pretty wierd signs.

Well, I just figured that out. Pretty awkward.

Hey, next week, there will be a Crap about life SPECIAL about the average classroom. We'll go in depth about how the stereotype classroom ain't so stereotype. the TRUTH about the teacher's hesitation to discipline; INTERVIEWS with the most respected teachers, and a stunning interview with a misunderstood teacher, afraid to speak out.

All next time, on, Crap about life.

... well, maybe. I still have work and a life, so, again, maybe..... heheh.

so, goodbye.

Quote of the day
"before you criticize someone, walk a mile in their shoes. that way, when you criticize them, you're a mile away, and you have their shoes. "
- Simi Parker

Joke of the day
"If you were a pirate, how could you resist giggling when saying 'poop deck'?"
- Unknown

hehe, poop deck.

Sunday, February 17


you never understand them, you befriend them, you hate them. But, did you know that they can hate you??

well, guess what? I learned that 10 years ago when I was 2. I hope you guys learn that too, all of you people at school.

hehe, i'm trying a new way of managing my anger without swearing or using rage. It seems to be working. hehe

well, today, i'm headed towards starbucks. Have you ever been there? the one by Kowalski's? They have a great selection of Jazz music! it's the best place to go to hang with friends. and I got a giftcard there so i'll be spending a lot of time there!!! hehe.

ugh, Katie, log in to myspace!

oh well. not much for now. l8r

Friday, February 15

Valentines day miracle

that's right. I have heard this phrase over and over again. God has no Debt. My question to you, has it ever occured to you that it's true?

Well, it is! Here's my story. Last night, Valentines day, I was feeling like crap since school problems (you all know what it was). I was headed towards my room to cry myself to sleep (an old ritual) when I remembered that mom's BF was going to take us to red lobster. So, I got ready to go and put down my chocolates (Whittman's sampler, which John gave me) and headed towards the door, my coat on halfway.

Well, once we got there, we found out that there was an Hour wait for a table, 30 minutes for a seat at the bar. So, we waited for about 5 minutes (which was enough for Mom to drive me to the point that I wanted to leave in a fit). So, I went to the bathroom, and I prayed to god. I asked him to help me keep my patience with Mom. Well, 2 minutes later, John was holding the devises they have there (the one that buzzes when your table is ready) and it started buzzing. We were shocked!

50 minutes later (yes, we are SLOW eaters), we order our deserts. Amy (my sister) goes to the bathroom. When she exits the bathroom, she hears the hostess, "Teresa, table of 4, your table is ready!" We must've gottten someone else's buzzer when we recieved one.
(from the future) Believe this, I'll actually have a boyfriend! I can't believe it myself.
Anyways, what's with this day? It's just a day where the guy buys some chocolates in hopes that someone will sleep w/ him. "hey, here's some chocolates. SLEEP WITH ME!!!" he's just a =3.
"here's a rose. LET'S HAVE SEX!" again, that guy's probably too fat from eating his own godiva chocolate that he pounds down every day. Probably doesn't get any anyway. haha!
(watches someone walk up to the chocolates, says "yes!" and looks around... ooh. lol!)

(back to the present) Well, who's finished with that math test? I just finished 5 minutes ago. Ugh, it's so easy. I mean, who wouldn't pass that?

Anyway, I'm going to watch sami play a board game. til tommorrow.

PS, no school on Monday. Kudos to Abe, George, and Kennedy!

Sunday, February 10

Borat must find a new spotlight!

Yes, I watched it last night (yes, the night before a Choir performance, but, I did great at the 2nd sermon!). I must say, Borat was the center of attention around last year. But, now, some people are still talking about what a great job he did, and also on how he should be ashamed for putting that on TV.

Well, you know what, this is 2OO8, no one cares anymore. That was 2007 when we weren't deciding between Barak and Hilary as much. And, I heard Khazachstan is doing much better than last year. No need to cry over spilt milk, because someone's gonna have to clean it up. It has been cleaned up, so forget it.

ALso, again, Church choir. Did you hear that it was -34 for the windchill?? Ugh. And I had to wake up in that weather!, at 6:30 to make it to the first sermon, when we didn't practice til 7:30. For ANYONE who was there on the 2nd sermon, yes, the "speak lords" and the "speak to us" were scripted to be that long. But, it was for dramatics, but not pretentious.

Again, Borat must leave our attention for a while. Maybe we can bring it up in the future. But, for now, my topics are about politics, my homemade chili( which kicked @ss), and "to kill a mockingbird". so, gnite to you.

Friday, February 8

Chinese food, rats/mice

yes, it is that time of year again when we find out the new Chinese year (or when I find out at least, lol).

This year is the year of the rat/mouse. I don't know which one and am too lazy to look. Also, since I am in the chinese mood, I am going to get Chinese take out for dinner!!

And also, I know someone who is going on Eharmony and is NOW going on their 2nd "date". hehe. I'm so proud of him/her.

Also, if you guys want to make yur own blogs (which I'll read if you guys give me the URL), remember that this blog website is not blocked the school internet, though the computers might not let you post a title about 1 out of 20 posts. But, hey, that's ok, right?

sorry my blogs are a bit short lately. I've been a little troubled by therapy. But, nonoftheless, I should start keeping these a little more interesting.

well, Tot ziens... oh, wait, that's dutch. nvm, sijien... I pray that's right. lol

Wednesday, February 6

This day, will it haunt me no more?

sorry, i'm being a little emo today. Keep your distance and I hope you give me peace instead of pity, hate, and all of that other crap.

So, Who has their notes done for History?? I know I don't yet.

Now, about "To Kill a Mockingbird".

If you don't know what the story means or what it has anything to do with the subject we are talking about (Racism), look it up in google as... "Study tips to kill a mockingbird" . There will be some very good information there. Just don't click on the bad websites (if you read my blogs, you know what I mean >:) ).

Ugh, it seems wherever I go, there's porn somewhere (mostly adds for it, but, I hate it!). You know what, people need to get a good education to really make it to the top, instead of showing their top at a bar (sarcasm). I mean, if strip clubs were all closed at the same time, chaos would occur. Men would ravage the streets and protest, and possible start more crime. Just let women know that entertainment does not mean invasion of your privacy.

I know you've been told this too long for me to say it, BUT, stay in school. don't do drugs. you can do it, kid... wait, now i'm acting like your old man Bob. LOL!

Oh well, enough ranting. I gtg to school to make it to the top.


Tuesday, February 5

Smells oif my sweatshirt

yes, you're hearing it right here. some of my exclusive friends are making a book on average problems in a not so average teen's life.

Their names I will not post, for it is SUPPOSED to be a private production. But, just thought I should let everyone know that there are people going about, practicing their gifts. Just to let you know.

So, what issues do you know most about? how to settle the cliques? how to get grades while keeping friends? If you have any good ideas that you might want to contribute, just click on my E-mail or my Myspace and msg me.

Except for that, there is nothing else to say but sorry for not posting sooner. Yesterday was a blur that ended with watching Dances With Wolves with my dad. so, sorry again.