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Monday, March 24

Happiness VS Depression... hey, get a life!!!

Ok, first of all, you all must remember that I do rant about stuff that's stuck on my mind. Once you remember that, just keep reading.

what is with some people around here??? I mean, come on!

They are always happy with life. Now, these are people that I have seen around Church, School ( I will not name names, for that would be a Violation to the contract ordering their Identities not revealed), and thoe I know from elsewhere that are all "happy wiith life", easy to laugh with, popular, known for gossiping, and PREPPY, or in some degree a "Dumb Blonde".

And I just want to say... why the hell are they all suddenly acting like this??

They are all suddenly acting, believe it or not, depressed. They put their pictures, their clothes, their happy and girly stuff, and shove it in a box. And it must be a pretty big box, for now they wear hoodies, baggy pants, tight tops, and some are dying their hair black (I will not name names, since that would be rude, first off, and also a violation of the contract to their Identities).

Now, don't get me wrong, I'm ok with them doing that. It's not like i'm a hippocrit. It's that they pretend to be EMO!!

They talk like emo people, act as if they're always sad about life, pretending that no one cares about their feelings (like anyone cares about that, lol), and saying the F word all of the time. and they call that emo?? They start listening to RAP, HEAVY METAL, AND GOTH. It's just plain "steriotypical" of them to be doing this. and for the last time, I AM SICK OF IT!

You might be thinking if I know it's fake, or if They are really sad.

Just to let you know, I have a good eye. I can see when something is sick. I look at their actions and I can see right through it. Most of the time I wish that I did not have this ability. It's not being a "Judgemental Bastard", or even a hipocrit. It's just being less oblivious to most people's actions.

read my blog on Myspace for the Example.

But, you know what, think of this. If the preppies pretend to be emo, the "emo" students might think that they're worse than depressed, but maybe Suicidal instead, or worse. Since the preppies and Dumb Blondes are supposedly happy and "Sunshine", they might tthink that being depressed is in some way, being happy.

But, worse, It just goes to show how sterriotypical this "america' of ours has become. I mean, look at this. Most people would disagree with the following statements...

- Just because you are in some percentage black and live in "da hood" does not make you ghetto.

-wearing hoodies and listening to rap does not make you "Gangsta".

-also, since we're on this subject, just because you have a blog and start wearing fashionable clothes does not make you popular. Whoever made that accusation about me, I would like, no, I pray that you reveal yourself. I pray you step forward to your new title, "Hipocrit", and show the world that, IF YOU DID NOT KNOW, I am NOT popular, cool, or even "HIP". so, for the last damn time, stop with the accusations.

-Just because you like pink and are often happy does not make you preppy.

-Just because you listen to Evanescence and are often sad does not make you GOTH.

-and, furthermost, listening to Heavy metal, wearing black clothes, and say Fuck DOES NOT MAKE YOU EMO!!! steriotypes are cruel to the soul. Labeling Teens in groups, forming steriotypes based on a small minority, and forming hatred on a minute definition; all of these were not made by our god, but by our hatred of the Common folk. we hate the idea of equality, wouldn't you think? That's why we have racism, biast folk, Hitler, WW2 in Europe, and, evidently, Cliques and Sterioptypes.

So, jut remember this when clicking that red X on this window, And for you people out there (you know who you are), Stop with this madness. you're fucking with almost everyone at school, you're messing around not only with those who believe you, butt also those who want to help. What if, one day, Someone says that they want to help you? I'm guessing you won't have the guts to say that you need help.

but, what happens when you really might need that help? What will people think of you then?? Will they believe you, or will "the boy who cried wolf" Finally have someone to relate to?

Just remember, you could save a sanity (a life for that matter). I suggest you see the power you have, and use it for the good side. (ignore the cookies on the Bad side).

Thank you for reading. I just wish that they understood how much it just hurts. And furthermore, It's complete Bullshit. going around, acting all "sad", saying the F word like it was an "it" "is", or "and".

Screw this. I don't think I'll get through to most people at school.

Now, Don't worry. It's actually a god thing you don't see most of this. That means you're not that judgemental. You dont look deeply into the common pupil's actions. The problem is, someone does. And as long as someone can't, someone can (no matter what it might be).

I was just raised to understand and take in more than the average pupil might. Sometimes, I'm not proud of that. Sometimes, though, I'm glad. I can make wiser choices with the certain friends I might pick. I can understand when someone isn't being absolutly truthful.

Well, to close this subject up, Be careful what you do. It could cost you more than you think.

... WHERE THE HELL DID I GET THAT CONCLUSION?? Just understand that I'm sick of it, and get a life!

... Phew! I only have 4 minutes left on the computer.

I'm goonna go now. Hope you learned a few things about this.

Bye Bye!!!!!!... hehe.

Friday, March 14

Calt tests

boy can this get any easier?

These tests are easy. i'm in the school computers. I just finished.

anyway, the Shadow has not been edited yet. I apologise, and don't worry, it will so be worth it. So, maybe Sunday, It will be edited and ready to post.

Also, again, what's with these tests?! They are the same as last year's... and the year before that... and the year before that.

just melt it down to size, and you see that if you just have a good memory, you can pass it "no problemo".

BTW, come to the play on the 12th (you missed), the 13th (you missed), and the 14th (COME PLEASE!!!). If you can't make it, just stay tuned for a summary of the drama behind the scenes, close captions, and the crew.

sorry I haven't posted in a while. I've been a bit busy (I do have a life, you know. lol) and have been practicing for the play.

remember, tune in on Sunday before you go to bed (I'll probably post it around 10 pm-ish, so, stay up). lol. don't worry, school will still be thhere tommorrow (lke you'll worry about that).

-Neautique Narcia, life expert, Social outcast, Strong Believer in miracles.

Tuesday, March 4

The Shadow, teaser

Pprimra, a poor child, living in the outskirts of London, Her father a drunk, her mother dead, and her childhood, from Cheerful laughter, to a living hell. This is her story, and only on Neautique's crap about life. So, tune in Tommorrow for "The Shadow", By Neautiique Narcia; Part 1.


Monday, March 3

Poem, the Awesomeness of the depressionness.

Well, yes, I am done with part 1&2 of "The Shadow", by Neautique Narcia. But, I need my editor (my dad, lol) to edit any errors, and i'm all a gogo!

So, who are you? Well, Foo Fighters, i'm a big fan of you... that's right, i'm listening to them now. lol! the Pretenders is their best song, in my perspective, that is.

Also, about Part 2, it has an innapropriate refference. So, just keep that in mind when reading it. yes, she does NOT know the man, but is still afraid of him. you definetly know why! Also, Benny is a brittish name, right? and to solve the situation on the name, the name does NOT relate to the guys at school named Ben.

Also, have you ever heard "BECAUSE" from the Beatles?? They're awesome!!! They were (in certain studies) more popular that going to CHURCH!!! Anyone who can do that has an enormous power! Too bad they split up. they could have really gone places.

Some people think it was Yoko Ono (John's current wife) that broke up the bond and the band. That's why not many people liked her. John fell head over heals in love with her, and didn't spend so much time on the music for the band. And, many people believe it was her fault. It really isn't. True love is more important than all conflicts we may encounter. Just letting you know that it is.

Well, it's 10:25 pm. I'm going to bed, so, Gnite!

PS: remember, Part 1 of "The Shadow" . Possibly tommorrow!!! hehehe. If I finish part 3.

Saturday, March 1


that's right. Yours truly, NARCIA, is making a series poem. so, stay tuned to this blog for the poem.
Some people think that spring should be all happy and flowers. I hate to disagree, and so I never will! This poem is what I made in Winter, so, just keep that in mind that this is an insight from the most depressing season of the Year.

Speaking of the year, yesterday was Feb. 29th. happy leap year day!

This was a miracle.

since we're on the subject of yesterday, I was planning on hanging by myself (since I thought all of the friends I had asked to hang out were busy). But, God had doubt and a good friend came by. I forgot he said he could come. Later, we went somewhere else, and I met up w/ MORE friends! ugh, GOD HAS NO DEBT!
What a suprise to know that a friend that said he couldn't come to hang w/ us was hanging out w/ them. SO, we all hung out at the best place on earth, Betsy's Back Porch. Yesterday was a blessing.

Also, remember that I am still doing the Crap About Life special on Teachers' Teachings on Class Courtesy. So, tune in on FRIDAY for that.

and sorry for not posting anything lately (to tell you the truth, I haven't written in my diary either, lol). So, I will keep you updated more often.

thanks for caring, and see you next time, readers.